Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...

Blog Archive

A weekend full of Hull – #HullNoir

  • Submitted: 16th November 2017

This weekend sees the very first and very special Hull Noir Crime Festival starring some of the biggest and best names in crime fiction. And…

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#TravelTuesday – Books on a Train

  • Submitted: 14th November 2017

There's been some great train journeys in books. Perhaps the most famous is Murder on the Orient Express recently made into a Hollywood movie. But…

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  • Submitted: 10th November 2017

The Historical Writers Awards held in London on Tuesday evening was the highlight of my historical reading year and a great chance to read even…

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Travel the Book World!

  • Submitted: 6th November 2017

Why is the word escape so powerful and attractive? Sometimes it's good to escape from your life for a while and see how the other…

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Murder on The Orient Express

  • Submitted: 3rd November 2017

Murder on The Orient Express arrived full steam ahead in London last night and the stars were out in force at the Royal Albert Hall.…

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Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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