Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...

Blog Archive

Letters from a Murderer by John Matthews

  • Submitted: 19th October 2013

Letters from a Murderer is a novel written by John Matthews - about the chance that Jack the Ripper may have escaped and ended up…

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Jackson Brodie’s tour of Edinburgh

  • Submitted: 12th August 2013

Jackson goes to the book festival! In the book ‘One Good Turn’, Kate Atkinson of course features a lot of the action in and around…

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A tour of Edinburgh in book covers

  • Submitted: 8th August 2013

I thought I would take you on a short tour of some sights in Edinburgh as depicted on book covers. There are more but I…

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The Jackson Brodie tour of Edinburgh

  • Submitted: 5th August 2013

Many of you will have read at least one book by Kate Atkinson – especially her Jackson Brodie series which has been a very successful…

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Meet the author – Tan Twan Eng

  • Submitted: 26th June 2013

Meet the author Tan Twan Eng came to Waterstones recently to showcase his amazing novels set in Malaysia and Asia . His books have been shortlisted for the…

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Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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