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#BookTrailAdvent – Deadly dolls and more…

  • Submitted: 5th December 2016

Monday #BookTrailAdvent and there’s a publishing glow in the air. Publishers and publicists are always organising book tours and author events so why not turn the tables and have some of them answer the questions for a change? What are THEY reading and what books do they recommend?

BookTrailAdvent5 BookTrailAdvent5

Ben Willis from Orion is in the house and having sat down close to the Christmas tree I offer him a mince pie and lashings of ginger beer plus a huge plate of cheese which he’s requested for some reason.  What books should we all be getting excited about from Orion? Which fictional characters would you like to see at Christmas?

Favourite thing about being a bookworm at Xmas?

Forcing your favourite books on unsuspecting relatives.

How do you celebrate Christmas?

Mostly with cheese. Every kind of cheese. (Susan : Ah now it all makes sense)

BookTrailAdvent5What would your favourite literary characters be up to at Christmas and where would they be?

Scrooge would definitely be trying to ruin everyone’s Christmas, all over London.

A favourite novel you always read or a genre you like reading with a wine by the fire?

Attempting to read A Brief History of Time for the 6th time, and pretending to myself that, this time, I understand every word.

Which of your books would you give for a keen booktrailer at Christmas?

Any novel by Emylia Hall or Isabelle Broom – (Susan: With Emylia Hall you should read The Sea Between Us set in Cornwall which is a lovely story about a woman saved from drowning by a young man.Both of their lives are changed for ever. As for Isabelle Broom- this lady transports you to Zante on an adventure  in My Map of You and then more recently to Prague in A Year and a Day – wait till you spend Christmas time in gothic and snowy Prague!)

BookTrailAdvent5What has been a highlight of publishing life this year and what are you looking forward to next year? Books to look forward to with Orion?

So many awesome books to look forward to! There’s the new Jane Sanderson and Victoria Aveyard, debuts from Harriet Cummings and Daniel Cole, and an adult debut for Sarah J Naughton. Ragdoll, Ragdoll, Ragdoll! And, of course, Calling Major Tom by David Barnett.


For more bookish ideas, why not head over to Orion and see what more Ben and the team have in store….

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