Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...

#Authorsonlocation Archive

Escape to France with Ruth Kelly

  • Submitted: 16th December 2023

France with Ruth Kelly's THE ESCAPE Today, we are not in BookTrail Towers. Ruth Kelly has done what no other writer has done before. She…

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Travel to London and visit Orlando Murrin’s Knife Skills in Belgravia

  • Submitted: 13th December 2023

Orlando Murrin's Knife Skills for Beginners A sneaky peek here. This novel is not out until February next year BUT it's full of food and…

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Travel to Bronte Country in December with Karen Powell

  • Submitted: 3rd December 2023

The Brontë Parsonage Museum Very happy to have Karen Powell on The BookTrail today. She's coming to talk about her love of all things Brontë…

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The Magical World of Erika Johansen

  • Submitted: 29th November 2023

Welcome to the Kingdom of Sweets Are you ready to enter? Do you know what awaits you? Well, take my hand for we are about…

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Three Authors Travel on a Cruise Ship

  • Submitted: 26th November 2023

Travel via a book is the best way to go The authors in this little collection have all set their novels on cruise ships. Whether…

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Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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