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Books with Fruit on the Cover

  • Submitted: 14th January 2025

Books with Fruit on the Cover

Feeling too full of cake after the Christmas break? We need some fruit as our new five a day to take the place of all those chocolates. So, why not tuck into one of these?


Books with fruit on the cover



The Curse of Penryth Hall Jess ArmstrongThe Curse of Penryth Hall

Apples keep the doctor away don’t they? I think you’re going to be in need of a doctor one after spending time in Penryth Hall!







The Homemade God Rachel JoyceThe Homemade God

The apple on here doesn’t look healthy does it?

Still, you get to spend time in Italy in the countryside so it’s healthy in mind and body if not food.






 At the End of the Orchard Tracy Chevalier At the Edge of the Orchard

Lots of fruit on this one! Glorious. Think it’s the US cover – certainly the hardback one.






Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies Catherine MackEverytime I Go on Holiday, Someone Dies

Love the lemons on the cover of this book. They really do make you think of holidays don’t they? Sunshine and cocktails even.







Five Quarters of the Orange

This entire novel is about cooking and recipes. And the main characters are called Framboise and Mirabelle which means Raspberry and mirabelle (small yellow plum)







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