BookOnTheMap – Liverpool
BookOnTheMap – Liverpool
The third destination on the #BookOnTheMap feature heads over to the city of Liverpool, home of the Beatles and Cilla Black….and someone tapping at a door late at night…. Cleo Bannister from Cleo Loves Books – David Jackson and Karen from Go Buy The Book are this week’s #BookOnTheMap team with the map and trail of A Tapping At My Door
Booktrail A Tapping at My Door

David Jackson Liverpool
Wouldn’t you be worried if you heard a persistent tapping at her back door. Cautiously she goes to investigate and finds that it’s a raven and so relieved to a point, she goes to shoo it away -only this is when the unseen killer strikes….
DS Nathan Cody finds a scene from a horror film……and the nightmare has only just begun….
THE MAP….Liverpool is featured with the famous red ‘feature star’…..
Cleo Bannister from Cleo Loves Books – David Jackson and Karen from Go Buy The Book are this week’s #BookOnTheMap team with the map and trail of A Tapping At My Door
The combined BookTrail: Booktrail A Tapping At My Door
TheBook On The Map Feature by David and Karen with Cleo: cleopatralovesbooks/put-a-book-on-the-map-bookonthemap-liverpool/
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Damp pebbles Rebeccca Bradley
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