Why a Booktrail?
2000s: Do you believe in God? If not, would you if there was absolute proof?
2000s: Do you believe in God? If not, would you if there was absolute proof?
Investigative reporter Ross Hunter nearly didn’t answer the phone call that would change his life – and possibly the world – for ever.
‘I’d just like to assure you I’m not a nutcase, Mr Hunter. My name is Dr Harry F. Cook. I know this is going to sound strange, but I’ve recently been given absolute proof of God’s existence – and I’ve been advised there is a writer, a respected journalist called Ross Hunter, who could help me to get taken seriously.’
What would it take to prove the existence of God? And what would be the consequences?
This question and its answer lie at the heart of Absolute Proof
The false faith of a billionaire evangelist, the life’s work of a famous atheist, and the credibility of each of the world’s major religions are all under threat. If Ross Hunter can survive long enough to present the evidence . . .
This novel has an international setting which covers the entire world when you think about it. What would happen if someone found absolute proof of the existence of a higher being. Which religion would be the one which had all the answers? Christianity, Judaism, Islam etc?
There are a few places in the novel dotted across the world which have great significance in the novel – some very well known places for legends, religious history and superstitions
One of the characters is out there to report on The Taliban for the Sunday Times. It’s a no go area in a no go country and the violence is shocking and the danger all too real. The Taliban roam the area and soon the situation escalates into something else.
St Hugh’s had been constructed during the order’s wealthy days as a safe haven for French monks fleeing the Revolution” In this story however, there are only 23 monks in residence and it’s where much of the mystery unfolds…
The Chalice Well, also known as the Red Spring, is a well situated at the foot of Glastonbury Tor in the county of Somerset, England. The trail in the story leads here and takes in much of Glastonbury itself. It’s a region steeped in mystery and legend so ideal for this kind of story!
If there’s one place in the world more well known for ancient legends, towers and monuments to the Gods, then we don’t know where it is!
The Valley of the Kings is a place of investigation….
Where the novel opens and where the story revisits. There are coordinates on the map given for the next location in the trail but these aren’t listed here as they give away the plot!
Susan: @thebooktrailer
Peter James I do love your books and still have Perfect People as my favourite. This is my new favourite. There’s something delicious about a conspiracy theory book and this one looks at the existence of God. Someone claims to have absolute proof that He exists.
Now I’m not religious by any means and I suppose you will get something different out of this book depending on what you believe, but this is still a riproaring thriller which questions the existence of God. Fast paced and action packed. I just loved the way in which there was an actual trail to follow with map coordinates and everything! The geek in me rubbed my hands with glee,going from one place to another, map in hand and legends falling from the pages.
There’s a lot to like in this book – maps, manuscripts, monuments, monks and murder. Think the 5 M’s might be an idea for an alternative title.
Subject wise it’s a bit Dan Brown but it’s definitely got the Peter James stamp of gold on the front. It’s clever, addictive and a race around the world with locations and legends dripping out of the pages.
There IS Absolute Proof that this is a thriller you won’t want to miss!
Destination : Brighton, Glastonbury, Egypt, Afghanistan Author/Guide: Peter James Departure Time: 2000s
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