Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Reykjavik

Cold Steal (Gunnhildur 4)

Cold Steal (Gunnhildur 4)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A housebreaker in Reykjavik enters a nightmare of his own…

  • ISBN: B00GHK77FI
  • Genre: Crime, Police Procedural

What you need to know before your trail

A successful housebreaker who leaves no traces and no clues as he strips Reykjavík homes of their valuables has been a thorn in the police’s side for months. But when one night the thief breaks into the wrong house, he finds himself caught in a trap as the stakes are raised far beyond anything he could have imagined. Gunnhildur Gísladóttir of the Reykjavík police finds herself frustrated at every turn as she searches for a victim who has vanished from the scene of the crime, and wonders if it could be linked to the murders of two businessmen with dubious reputations that her bosses are warning her to keep clear of.

Travel Guide


Although it’s Iceland’s largest city, Reykjavik isn’t that  big for a capital city as there are only about 125,000 people living there. The city is so small that the big time criminals have to have several cases on the go – do several jobs at once in order to survive so to speak.

There’s a lot of fingers in a lot of pies here – from a delivery company located in the industrial centre on the outskirts of the city, to a series of home invasions, to financial crimes and smuggling gangs. The gritty eastern European underworld arrives in Reykjavik and grabs it by the throat.

Talking of gritty, this is Iceland and so the landscape is as gritty as it is unforgiving. Someone from the city is dumped in the remote and wild Icelandic countryside and he is forced to quite literally eat with the fishes.

An Eastern European flavour to the city and a story which moves from the city centre to the various suburbs and nearby ports.

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Cold Steal (Gunnhildur 4)

Destination : Reykjavik  Author/Guide: Quentin Bates  Departure Time: 2000s

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