Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cambridgeshire Fens, Fictional Middledip

Starting Over

Starting Over

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: New home, new friends, new love. Can starting over be that simple?

  • ISBN: 978-1906931223
  • Genre: Humour, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Tess Riddell reckons her beloved Freelander is more reliable than any man – especially her ex-fiancé, Olly Gray. She’s moving on from her old life and into the perfect cottage in the country.

Miles Rattenbury’s passions? Old cars and new women! Romance? He’s into fun rather than commitment.

When Tess crashes the Freelander into his breakdown truck, they find that they’re nearly neighbours – yet worlds apart. Despite her overprotective parents and a suddenly attentive Olly, she discovers the joys of village life and even forms an unlikely friendship with Miles. Then, just as their relationship develops into something deeper, an old flame comes looking for him …

Is their love strong enough to overcome the past? Or will it take more than either of them is prepared to give?

Travel Guide

Middledip Cambridgeshire Fens

This is the village where many of Sue’s novels are set. It’s not real sadly but is based on a number of villages in and around the Cambridgeshire Fens. Wisbech is known as the capital of the Fens and so this is firmly on the map.

Middledip village sounds idyllic – any village might be encountered at the nearby shop or at the pub. The Gatehouse is located here.

The capital of the Fens known for its elegant Georgian architecture, a legacy from an era when the town was a booming trade centre. Peckover House and Gardens on North Brink, was once the home of the Peckovers, a Quaker banking family. Could this be a kind of Gatehouse? Further east, the real network of canals and marshes begins – this is where the small church is on the map above.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Starting Over

Destination: Cambridgeshire Fens, Fictional Middledip  Author/guide: Sue Moorcroft  Departure Time: 2018

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