Why a Booktrail?
2000s: Who is going to believe a 12 year old boy when he claims to know something about a series of murders?
2000s: Who is going to believe a 12 year old boy when he claims to know something about a series of murders?
Twelve-year-old Barney Roberts is obsessed with a series of murders. There are murders of boys just like him and he can’t stop finding out more. He’s sure that the killer will strike again however and he knows a secret he’s just too scared to share. Who is going to believe a young boy anyway?
This is not a case that Lacey or her colleagues at Lewisham are going to find easy. The death of children never is. But this case seems all the more disturbing for the use of a certain Facebook page, and the sick posts which appear on it.
Then, to make matters even worse, things get personal
In the author note, Sharon explains that the story was inspired in part by the horrific attacks by the Yorkshire Ripper up in Yorkshire where she grew up. It was following this new story that she wondered how it would feel being a woman living there during that time and even wondering if someone they know could be responsible. If a husband, father or son could be involved. From Yorkshire to London where the novel takes place, this proves that no matter where you live, fear is a very small and claustrophobic place to be.
“They say it’s like slicing through warm butter , when you cut into young flesh”
This is a hard place to be as well as Deptford in London, particularly Deptford Creek has never seemed so grim. But then that’s the skill of Sharon Bolton and her unusual guide to this part of town. Through the eyes of one sadistic killer. Do not read in the dark or anywhere near a canal. Particularly after watching this video:
Author/ Guide: Sharon Bolton Destination: London Departure Time : 2000s
Twitter: @authorsjbolton Facebook: /SJBoltonCrime Web: sharonbolton.com
Back to Results2025: Your child has been kidnapped. You’re live on television. Going live in 10, 9, 8 . . .
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