Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: The Hebrides



Why a Booktrail?

Now this is the perfect book for booktrailers everywhere with pictures right out of Peter May’s imagination – this is Peter May country

  • ISBN: 978-1782062387
  • Genre: Non-Fiction, Travelogue

What you need to know before your trail

Whether you have read the books by Peter May or not, this is an ideal book to really introduce yourself to Peter May country. This is the Hebrides yes, but the islands seen through his eyes and those of his characters. This is the landscape which inspired the man and the books, the islands with cultural and historical traditions you may not have heard of before. For this is a place you may not have visited, remote and desolate as these islands are. They are the doorway to really seeing this stunning part of the world as Peter May evokes in his books.

Travel Guide

The landscape of the Outer Hebrides has become just as much a character in  Peter May’s Lewis trilogy as the characters themselves.  All stunningly evoked in fiction, this is a real chance to see them for yourself, if you can’t get to the islands, There’s rocky headlands, small lochs, long and winding roads and a sense of isolation and ravaged land. There is real history here as well as a magical island setting where you just know there are tales of folklore, mysterious deaths and a sea that takes people and sinks ships. Walking in the footsteps of Fin Macleod, Peter takes you around the island showing you it as Fin would do, showing you his view of flora and fauna and explaining how the islands have shaped him and the other people on the island.

There is also mention of the many traditions and mysteries on the island as featured in the books such as the the land where the bird hunters track down the gulls each year and where the worst British maritime history took place.

You can really see the island as PEter describes it and how Fin lives it and Peter is the perfect guide telling you why and how certain places inspired and lent themselves to the events in each of the three Lewis Trilogy books.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @authorpetermay

Facebook: /petermayauthor

Web: petermay.co.uk

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