Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Stockholm, Tallfors, Kiruna

A Winter Beneath the Stars

A Winter Beneath the Stars

Why a Booktrail?

2018: Ever wanted to go husky riding and reindeer hunting in Sweden?

  • Genre: Romance

What you need to know before your trail

On a courier trip to Tallfors, deep in Swedish Lapland, everything is going to plan. Halley has her bag, with two precious wedding rings inside for delivery… until she doesn’t.

The only way to save the wedding is to team up with mysterious reindeer herder Bjorn, the one person who can lead her across the snowy tundra to be reunited with her bag.

On a journey of a lifetime beneath the stars, with only the reindeer and a bad-tempered stranger for company beside the fire, Halley realises that she will need to confront her past heartaches in order to let the warmth of love in once more…

Travel Guide

BookTrail Travel to Stockholm

Meet author Jo Thomas in Sweden in #Authorsonlocation

As soon as Halley lands here, she’s very keen to visit the ABBA museum and the old town (Gamla Stan) but she doesn’t have time as she’s got an unexpected journey north to Swedish Lapland!

These sights are well worth going to so hope she gets to go there one day. But for now, back to the story…


Halley has to head up to SwedishLapland. The Town of Tallfors where she stays and where her journey starts is fictional, but only in name! The snow, the landscape, the stunning scenery and the sleigh dogs are very real.

Nutti Sami Siida

The author did a lot of research in and around the area of Jukkasjärvi which is the centre of Swedish Lapland. They stayed in a cabin in the woods and Jo says that she highly recommends it!

The landscape is one of reindeers, sleigh dogs and being stuck in the snowy wilderness with a hunky Swede!

Have you seen how many Reindeer there are here?  This is how the  Sami people have always got around with their herds. the reindeer migrate in spring to the higher ground here and then again tin the winter, inland, to the forests. This is how we do things here. We work with nature.”

And it’s fascinating being in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of Sami landscape (which Halley first describes as Narnia)

The wilderness fascinates here and she struggles through snow and a wild cold landscape with a stranger on the search for someone. They have to stay in a special tent – a lavvu – where the Sami people tend to live. They are easy to put up, move and carry which is why the Sami people, when herding their reindeer use them. Maybe not so easy for Halley though…

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

I loved this book! What a ride- a sleigh ride with huskies to be precise. Flying past herds of reindeer, the snow spraying off the trees and ground on to my face. Staying in a Sami tent and having fika. Well I really do feel as if I’ve been there and done the wonderful journey Jo takes us on in the book.

Extended Postcard review on the blog


Booktrail Boarding Pass:  A Winter Beneath the Stars

Destination : Stockholm, Swedish Lapland, “Tallfors”  Author/Guide: Jo Thomas  Departure Time: 2018

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