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Book Trails

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  • Location: China, Gothenburg, Edinburgh, Scotland

Trade Winds – Kinross Series book #1

1732 – The characters in the book may be fictitious but the story is based on the true story of the Swedish East India Company’s…

  • Location: Sweden

Lucia Morning in Sweden

December 13th is Lucia Day in Sweden and it’s a magical time

  • Location: Fjällbacka, Strömstad

The StoneCutter (Fjällbacka 3)

1939, 2000s: A dual time line which takes us back to Sweden in 1939 and a story of which the repercussions ripple through time and…

  • Location: Fjällbacka

Ice Princess (Fjällbacka 1)

2000s –  Fjällbacka is the coastal village where Camilla was born and raised. Its name derives from the imposing rocky outcrop that the village encircles.

  • Location: Fjällbacka

The Drowning (Fjällbacka 6)

2000s: The story of a Swedish author, who has written a book called The Mermaid. However, happiness at his success is not shared by all…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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