Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Fjällbacka, Strömstad

The StoneCutter (Fjällbacka 3)

The StoneCutter (Fjällbacka 3)

Why a Booktrail?

1939, 2000s: A dual time line which takes us back to Sweden in 1939 and a story of which the repercussions ripple through time and have terrible consequences in the present day.

  • ISBN: 978-0007253975
  • Translator: Steven T Murray
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

In the present day, the body of a young girl is found in a fishing net – Sarah, the daughter of Charlotte  – one of Erica’s very good friends. Erica takes this personally and urges Patrick to find the killer and quick.

This crime is very close to home since Patrik has just become a father and since the town is a small one, the investigation is small and claustrophobic. More so, when you factor in the feud that was taking place between the dead girl’s grandmother and her neighbours.

In the past, the story of a stone cutter and how one tragedy after another can lead to a shocking revelation.

Travel Guide


We are taken back to Strömstad and other places including Fjällbacka  to 1939  where we meet a stone cutter called Anders and a young girl called Agnes. Agnes is educate and well to to, so when she meets and falls in love with the poor stonecutter her parents aren’t happy. Events follow and she ends up in America. Fjällbacka is where the journey comes full circle and the journey of past and present merge into one. She comes from wealth however –
Their villa is Strömstad was one of the grandest in town. It stood high up on the hill, with a view over the water. it had been paid for partly with her mother’s inherited fortune and partly with the money her father had made in the granite business’.


The scene of the murder of the young girl and the small knit community of v are all the more claustrophobic here since the murder is close to home for the main characters and due to the land dispute between the young girl’s family and the strange neighbours. The neighbours son has Aspergers syndrome and is considered somewhat of a freak in the community. The damage that one event can do to so many families is heartbreaking.

“In the storm and rain , Fjällbacka looked so implacable and grey”

VisitSweden has  a great tour of Camilla Lackberg’s Fjällbacka 

Trail Gallery

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

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Facebook: /camillalackberg

Web: camillalackberg.com

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