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Book Trails

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  • Location: Québec, Three Pines (fictional), Gaspe peninsula

Glass Houses

2000s: Just who is this strange figure to have suddenly appeared in Three Pines?

  • Location: Québec, Three Pines (fictional), Gaspe peninsula

A Great Reckoning (Inspector Gamache 12)

2000s: A murder and a mysterious map of Three Pines….

  • Location: Three Pines (fictional), Montréal

A Trick of the Light (Inspector Gamache 7)

2000s: A murder in one of the most picturesque villages in Quebec…as Chief Inspector Gamache delves into the art world…

  • Location: Montréal

The Beautiful Mystery (Inspector Gamache 8)

2000s: Murderous monks in Montréal

  • Location: Québec City

Bury Your Dead (Inspector Gamache 6)

2000s: Winter Carnival in Quebec City is a marvelous and magical time – full of celebration and promise.People are in good spirits and drinking them…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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