Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Edinburgh, Belfast

Mortal Causes (Rebus 6)

Mortal Causes (Rebus 6)

Why a Booktrail?

1993: The festival in Edinburgh is in full swing – but behind the music, Rebus has a murder to solve

  • ISBN: 978-0752883588
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

The festival in Edinburgh comes around each August and is a major festival of music, comedy and books each year. Thousands of tourists flock to the myriad of locations in and around the city to watch performances of every kind. What they don’t see however is what goes on behind the scenes of the city – a body has been found tortured and marked with strange cuts. The victim turns out to be the son of a notorious gangster – and vengeance will be on the cards.

Could there be a terrorist threat in a city thronged with tourists?

Travel Guide

If ever you have been to the festival in Edinburgh, or even if you have just read about it, you’ll know of the crowds and levels of excitement, the buzz that surrounds the city each and every year for the entire month of August.

Rebus has some SAS experience and so when the victim is found to have terrorist links then his background takes him from Edinburgh, across rural Scotland and to Northern ireland. Scotland seems to be just an extension of the troubles between catholic and protestants. Working with the Scottish crime Squad, Rebus is taken out of  his home turf and into an even more twisted world that he would have imagined.

Rebus gets up close and personal with the locals from both sides of the fence as it were. There’s a rough housing project which provides both clues and even more questions and Big Ger Cafferty is back on the scene. Rebus’ dangerous adversary and top crime boss.
Rebus steps outside Edinburgh at a time when the spotlight is on the city for the festival and the chilling side streets and shadowy alleyways are even more frightening with the joy and excitement of the festival as  a backdrop!

Streetview Maps

Edinburgh: St Mary Kings Close
Edinburgh: Charlotte Square and the book festival

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

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