Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Edinburgh

Exit Music (Rebus 17)

Exit Music (Rebus 17)

Why a Booktrail?

2006: Is Rebus retiring? Not if the Russians have anything to do with it…

  • ISBN: 978-0752893518
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Rebus is set for retirement as after 17 books, he’s feeling the pressure 😉  but it’s not like Rebus just to take things lying down and so he’s keen to tie up some loose ends before he does leave. However a murder case lands on his desk, one involving a Russian poet, a dissident one at that and at the very time that a group of Russian businessmen are in the city. They’re an international delegation set on bringing business to Edinburgh but there is now a shadow of murder hanging over them. Rebus old nemesis Big Ger Cafferty is also back so it doesn’t look as if Rebus is going anywhere soon.

Travel Guide

Written as a send off for one of literature’s great characters and the boss of Edinburgh in more ways than one. This is  a swan song to Edinburgh too for the city has been Rebus’s stomping ground for many years. He knows the streets, the alleyways and the scars of the city like the back of his hand. Some of them are on the back of his hand as he’s had his fair share of violence.

The Russian link to the city is the story of big business and even bigger money to a city growing by the day. Edinburgh is clearly split between them and us, the money evident in the new town, and the death of a visiting Russian seems to be inspired by the real life murder of Alexander Litvinenko who was apparently poisoned in 20o6.

This Edinburgh is linked to political dark dealings, the criminal underworld and the world of big and ugly business. An Edinburgh in which Big Ger Cafferty is still very much a part of and a continual thorn in Rebus’ side.

Edinburgh will sorely miss you Rebus.

Streetview Maps

Edinburgh: Kings Stable Road -Scene of the crime
Edinburgh: Blair Street - Mercat Tours is here

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

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