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Book Trails

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  • Location: Stockholm

Watching You

2000s: A tiny metal cog found at the scene of every crime….

  • Location: Stockholm, Tuscany

Europa Blues – Intercrime 3

2000s: A trip to the zoo proves deadly…

  • Location: Stockholm

To the Top of the Mountain – Intercrime 3

2000s: Following the disastrous case of ‘Bad Blood’, the Intercrime team in Stockholm have been disbanded. However, something is about to happen to change that…

  • Location: Stockholm, New York

Bad Blood – (Intercrime 2)

2000s: The FBI call and alert the Swedish police to the fact that a serial killer, possibly one they thought long dead, is on his…

  • Location: Stockholm

The Blinded Man – Intercrime 1

2000s: The first in the Intercrime series and a TV series as well. Delve into the murkier side of Swedish life…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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