Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Yorkshire, Yorkshire Dales, Skipton, Settle

Date with Death (The Dales Detective 1)

Date with Death (The Dales Detective 1)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: There’s a Samson and Delilah in Yorkshire! And just as many power struggles….

  • ISBN: 978-1509823833
  • Genre: Cosy crime, Humour, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail

Samson (O’Brien) returns to his hometown of Bruncliffe in the Yorkshire Dales after having been dismissed from the police force. Wanting something purposeful to do while he clears his name, he decides to set up the Dales Detective Agency. He may be back in Bruncliffe but does Bruncliffe want him back?

Delilah ( Metcalfe) certainly doesn’t. Not when he turns up and sets up shop directly next to her Dales Dating Agency. It’s already in trouble without having another company known by the initials DDA right next door!  When Samson gets his first case, investigating the supposed suicide of a local man, however, Samson and Delilah’s paths soon cross when it becomes clear that the trail of clues leads back to the door of Delilah’s agency.

The two feuding neighbours soon realize that they need to work together to solve the mystery of the dating deaths. But working together is easier said than done . .

Travel Guide

Yorkshire Dales

Julia Chapman talks location and all things Yorkshire

Julia Chapman (c)thebooktrail

Julia Chapman (c)thebooktrail

Ah the best thing about Yorkshire, evoked with humour in this novel, is the gorgeous scenery, the sense of freedom, community and return to the simple things in life. Living off the land is good for many and and an escape for others.

Best get the kettle on, Yorkshire Tea of course and settle in. There is no Bruncliffe in real life sadly but Skipton which is real is only 30 minutes away from it so visiting Skipton would be a very good alternative to the real thing. There is, as yet, no Dales Detective Agency nor is there a Dales Dating Agency but fingers crossed!

Bruncliffe might seem quiet yet surprisingly busy and gossipy behind the scenes. Farming is still the main activity for many but there are financial problems and people are struggling. The Dales Dating Agency is also having its problems but when the other DDA turns up, money dictates what business fills the empty office. What does stand out is the pub which is the centre of gossip as all good Yorkshire pubs are, and Lucy Meltcalfe’s Peaks Patisserie which sells the best cakes (and the Yorkshire favourites Fat Rascals which actually exist and can be bought here –  Betty’s Tea Rooms in Harrogate and York   and a rock bun which tastes like them here –Cravenbakery.co.uk

Trail Gallery

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

What a charming, lovely novel! I do love a cosy crime mystery and with a soft spot for all things Yorkshire, this was just my cup of Yorkshire Tea. There is a mystery at the heart of it, but the comings and goings of the villagers and the secrets behind those twitchy curtains got me! It’s an easy read and  a charming one with a dose of Grantchester and a dollop of Agatha Raisin brewed together.

I loved the idea of the Dales Dating Agency, the speed dating night, farmers driving about on those all terrain cars, the wandering ramblers who might just appear from the hills and up from the valleys – oh and that cake shop! Every time it was mentioned, I wanted to sit and sniff the pages in the hope that one of the cakes would appear from in the book. I could smell and almost taste them!

The landscape  – the gorgeous ondulating landscape draws you in and I loved the characters. There was also a more serious story – one man returning to face his past and his father and everything was nicely and neatly wrapped up – although with just enough threads to leave you wanting more.

I’ll definitely be back for more Yorkshire Tea and chat with this lot!

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Date with Death (The Dales Detective 1)

Author/Guide: Julia Chapman  Destination: Yorkshire Dales  Departure Time: 2000s

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