Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature

Book Trails

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  • Location: Hexham, Yorkshire

The Fake Wife

2023: She’s not who you think she is.

  • Location: Oxford

The Pact

2000s: Go back to the place you made the pact…

  • Location: South Georgia, Cambridge, Antarctica

The Split

2000s: You go to an island to escape. BIG mistake.

  • Location: Pendle, Lancashire

The Craftsman

1969, 1999: You never forget the Craftsman and he certainly never forgets you…

  • Location: Northumberland, Scottish Borders, Kirk Yetholm, Holy Island

Dead Woman Walking

2000s: A woman in a hot air balloon sees a murder down below – the balloon crashes and she is the only survivor

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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