Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Perthshire

The Winter Ground (Dandy Gilver 3)

The Winter Ground (Dandy Gilver 3)

Why a Booktrail?

1925: the circus is in town but so too is death….

  • ISBN: 978-0340935354
  • Genre: Cosy crime, Mystery

What you need to know before your trail

Even a friendly family run circus is having problems in the long, cold winter of 1925. So when they are offered a free site on the prestigious Blackcraig estate in return for a few free shows, they jump through hoops at the chance.

Well, it is Christmas and the feeling of festivities is in the air.

Wealthy but brash Albert Wilson is excited to find himself the center of a circle of bright young women who are agog for the circus and ready to endure his company to view a free show

But there are more than a few clowns to watch out for as there are silly tricks taking place around the site. Someone is playing deadly tricks and one of them does indeed end in death.

There is suddenly no fun at this fair….

Travel Guide


Twelve black horse spanned the ring, nodding and snorting, six to either side, with their master a splash of blood red and ink black at the centre where the whip kept cracking. Just beyond its reach, the Risley man lay back on his trestle bench, keens working like pistons and satin straining across the things as he threw the little girls in their tutus up in the air and caught them again”

The crash of the cymbals, the beating of the hoofs on the ring, the dust and straw flying up in the rush of the horses,the clowns with their funny bright coloured faces, the feathers of the dancers….

And the blood on someone’s hands

Welcome to the circus Danny Gilver style

Castle Benachally is fictional of course but there are quite a few castles in Perthshire where you could visit to get the flavour of a castle in the area. Lochleven Castle could be it – it’s on its own island and has a moat! Magical with or without a circus. Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned here in 1567 so it’s used to theatrical scenes. Elcho Castle is a more complete castle with mysteries of its own…

Streetview Maps

A) Perthshire - Castle Lochleven
B) Perthshire - Castle Elcho

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  The Winter Ground (Dandy Gilver 3)

Author/ Guide: Catriona McPherson  Destination: Perthshire  Departure Time : 1925

Twitter: @CatrionaMcP  Facebook: /Catriona-McPherson  web: Catrionamcpherson.com

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