Why a Booktrail?
2000s: Just one spreadsheet away from chaos…
2000s: Just one spreadsheet away from chaos…
What makes life perfect? Insurance mathematician Henri Koskinen knows the answer because he calculates everything down to the very last decimal.
And then, for the first time, Henri is faced with the incalculable. After suddenly losing his job, Henri inherits an adventure park from his brother – its peculiar employees and troubling financial problems included. The worst of the financial issues appear to originate from big loans taken from criminal quarters … and some dangerous men are very keen to get their money back.
But what Henri really can’t compute is love. In the adventure park, Henri crosses paths with Laura, an artist with a chequered past, and a joie de vivre and erratic lifestyle that bewilders him. As the criminals go to extreme lengths to collect their debts and as Henri’s relationship with Laura deepens, he finds himself faced with situations and emotions that simply cannot be pinned down on his spreadsheets…
Warmly funny, rich with quirky characters and absurd situations, The Rabbit Factor is a triumph of a dark thriller, its tension matched only by its ability to make us rejoice in the beauty and random nature of life.
BookTrail your way around Helsinki’s underworld
Most of the novel takes place in a very interesting if fictional place – an adventure park- somewhere in the Finnish capital of Helsinki.
It’s called YouMeFun and contains a giant rabbit so you can imagine the atmosphere within. Our hero in the novel has inherited this place. It involves many interesting areas such as Caper Castle and woe betide anyone who tries to call it an amusement park! The park is in financial trouble however but you as the reader get to roam the park for free , avoiding the mafia and those really in charge of the park.
What can look so evil and chilling than an empty or quiet park of any kind? Helsinki appears intermittently as characters leave the park to sort out their affairs and meet etc but the park is the star of the show. Well the rabbit is really….
Destination/Location: Helsinki Author: Antti Tuomainen Departure: 2000s
Back to Results2025: Your child has been kidnapped. You’re live on television. Going live in 10, 9, 8 . . .
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