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  • Location: Paris

The Dressmaker’s Secret

The Dressmaker’s Secret

Why a Booktrail?

1941 and present day:  Coco Chanel’s assistant, the Ritz hotel, and the Nazis who threaten to destroy everything.

  • ISBN: B098M6ZLL8
  • Genre: Historical, Inspired by true events

What you need to know before your trail

Paris, 1941: As Coco Chanel’s assistant, Adèle lives side by side with German officers in the splendor of The Ritz hotel. But Adèle has a secret. She is working for the resistance, right under the German’s noses.

As occupied Paris becomes more and more dangerous, Adèle will have to decide if she can risk everything to save innocent lives and protect the man she loves…

Present day: Chloé’s grandmother has never spoken about the war and avoids questions about the legendary designer she once worked for. Now Chloé has come to Paris, to uncover the truth about Adèle’s life. But is she prepared for what she will find? And for the power of her grandmother’s secrets to change her family forever…

Travel Guide

Discover the Paris of Coco Chanel and the Dressmaker’s Secret

In the author note, we learn just how much of this fictional tale is based on true fact.

In most biographies of her life, Coco Chanel war years are glossed over; a piece of history forgotten or brushed away. How she lived in the Second World War is divisive and controversial. To some she’s abhorrent. To Others she’s a trail blazer, who drew herself up from humble beginnings and paved her own path in life and in fashion. Either way, she’s an icon.

The author found an article which stated that Coco Chanel had been a Nazi agent. She had certainly been aligned with the Nazis. She was arrested after the Liberation of Paris and questioned about her suspected Nazi involvement. However, with no real proof, the story it seems was relegated to the archives of history. Documented proof came to light in 2011 however and the author followed that thread of intrigue. And all the while, the fashion, the city of Paris sprinkles its magic.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Dressmaker’s Secret

Destination/Location: Paris   Author: Lorna Cook   Departure: 1941, 2000s

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