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  • Location: New York City

The Defence

The Defence

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: 48 hours to save your daughter and the bomb is ticking…

  • ISBN: 978-1409152316
  • Genre: Crime, legal/political, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

If a mafia boss kidnaps your daughter, you’re going to do anything he asks in order to get her back aren’t you? That’s what Eddie is faced with when he’s forced to act as defence in a mafia murder trial. That and the fact that he has a remote controlled bomb attached to his back.

This is the case of the century and of his life – for if he loses this case…

And he only has 48 hours in which to get it all sewn up.

No pressure then…

Travel Guide

Eddie’s tour of New York City

New York city has everything a defence lawyer could need. There might not be a Ted’s Tavern in Chambers street where he goes in The Defence but then again defence lawyers are known to keep certain things close to their chest. It’s where he goes to solve cases and think after all, so he doesn’t want everyone knowing about it.

Ted’s Corner Tavern – this is a cool place to hang out though and has a similar name. It’s called a Corner Tavern as it’s on a corner and lawyers do like things black and white. The fictional one is on the aptly named Chambers street for lawyers

Chambers Courthouse  – The courtroom in the book shares the name of the street and is where all the lawyers work and sometimes play.

William Street – a downtown street in the financial and legal part of town. Careful on William street though as it’s where Volchek in the novel seems to loiter.

East Seventh Street – Sirocco club in the novel is fictional – just as well as a fight breaks out here so why not visit a kind of place where those who live in the city’s underbelly might like the name of? Black Market is a nice place in real life though but the name does make me smile for this novel!

Prospect Park – well that’s where Edie and his daughter love to go. She loves to play there and any visit in real life is always going to be nicer than if you go with Edie himself! Just as well these fictional settings are nice in the real world.


Streetview Maps

B) New York - Chambers Street Courthouse
D) New York - Chambers Street Courthouse

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: The Defence

Author/ Guide: Steve Cavanagh   Destination: New York City  Departure Time: 2000s

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