Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Sheffield, London, Edinburgh, Adelaide

Mix Tape

Mix Tape

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: You never forget the one that got away. But what if ‘what could have been’ is yet to come?

  • ISBN: 978-1787631922
  • Genre: Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Daniel was the first boy to make Alison a mix tape.

But that was years ago and Ali hasn’t thought about him in a very long time. Even if she had, she might not have called him ‘the one that got away’; after all, she’d been the one to run.

Then Dan’s name pops up on her phone, with a link to a song from their shared past.

For two blissful minutes, Alison is no longer an adult in Adelaide with temperamental daughters; she is sixteen in Sheffield, dancing in her skin-tight jeans. She cannot help but respond in kind.

And so begins a new mix tape.

Ali and Dan exchange songs – some new, some old – across oceans and time zones, across a lifetime of different experiences, until one of them breaks the rules and sends a message that will change everything…

Because what if ‘what could have been’ is yet to come?

Travel Guide

Mix Tape – From Sheffield, to Edinburgh, via London to Adelaide!

Talk about a mix tape! There are several locations scattered over the country and the world and at first there seems to be no connection between them. The story starts in the UK and our two love interests are of course separated by distance at first. Then comes the biggest distance of all, when one of them disappears off to Australia!

Locations prove to be important in order to show distance and time, the difficulty of long distance romance and what happens when one person goes to the other side of the world.

It shows how dependent on time and place songs can be – be sure to find the play list as the lyrics connect you to the book in very unexpected ways and it’s a treat to find the secrets in the music.

We follow Daniel and Alison from the 1970s when they were kids in love in and take us via various times and places and of course songs to the present day. Music flows through the book and with the locations provides a fascinating playlist of (musical) time and  (musical) place

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Mix Tape

Destination: Sheffield, London, Edinburgh, Adelaide Author/guide: Jane Sanderson Departure: 1978, 2012

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