Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: South Africa



Why a Booktrail?

The future:  95% of the globe’s population has been wiped out by a deadly virus

  • ISBN: 978-1473614413
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

A virus has wiped out most of the world’s population but a man and his son in South Africa have survived. The boy is only 13 but he and his father have a very important role to carry out if they and indeed humanity are to survive. They set up home close to a river and try to find others to join them. A wide selection of people come with various skills and backgrounds – it’s hoped that this will be the community which helps others to survive.

But they are not the only ones to survive – and the very act of survival is what is going to test them to the limit. For there are outsiders, who also see survival as the only way to go in this world. Can both worlds exist side by side?

What’s the alternative?



Travel Guide

South Africa – Vanderkloof


The man and his son set up home here. They settle near to the Vanderkloof dam and so take this as their new home’s name. They are going to need protection here since the world might have almost been wiped out but the dregs of society seem to have survived. Gangs and thugs roam the barren landscape

Despite the danger however, the building of this community is a lesson to us all – getting the right people for the right job, making sure everyone plays their part and realises that it’s for the good of the community. They also have to change their way of life – now natural resources are more valuable and  scarce than ever before. Everyone is in this together – quite literally and the world is a scarier place than ever before. No one is going to survive on their own. Can humans really make such a small society work despite the former ‘Every man for himself’ world they lived in (ie the present day one)

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Deon Mayer is a fine author. I’ve not read many of his novels but that is now going to change as this was a good and thought provoking read. I blame the Handmaid’s Tale for getting me all fired up about lost societies and new worlds etc so this fitted in nicely with that mould.

It stands out though for the sheer energy which comes from the book. Survivalist skills – well you’re going to need plenty of these if the world is ever wiped out to the extent it is here. The building of a community amongst the ashes was interesting to see and I wonder if we would be capable of such acts today. People with skills such as brick laying and military knowledge – that’s who you want to be trapped with! The art of survival is nicely done – fascinating to see how it might work and how people can really work together to create something better. All with the fear of the world outside that circle, it’s a gripping read and I felt fully immersed in both plot and environment. I wasn’t overly keen on the ending as felt there was more to come. Nevertheless the journey there had me hooked.

In a depleted world, scarce resources and dry environment, Deon Meyer stands tall and strong. This South African thriller is hot and bold.

This would make an interesting film! This had me feeling the fever from the get go – from the sweaty brow to the chills on the back of my neck. South Africa’s deserts became the world’s wasteland and it’s an evocative and immersive read

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Fever

Author/Guide: Deon Meyer  Destination: South Africa Departure Time: Post apocalyptic

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