Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Copenhagen

Blue Blood ( DI Louise Rick 2)

Blue Blood ( DI Louise Rick 2)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Quiet Copenhagen – a nice idyllic part of the city. But  no-one knows what goes on behind closed doors or behind the anonymity of a computer screen….

  • ISBN: 978-0751551211
  • Translator: Erik J Macki and Tara F Chace
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

This book is also called Call Me Princess
Do you know who you are talking to on line? Turns out Susanne Hansson didn’t as when the police find her in her apartment she is bound and gagged and the victim of a brutal attack. She meet this man on line on a popular dating website  – something which Susanne shamefully tries to hide.
It soon becomes clear that the rapist is using this site in order to target women for future attacks.

The next woman may not survive….is Louise the only one to have lived to tell the tale. Is she willing to risk everything to track this animal down?

Travel Guide

Travel BookTrail style to Copenhagen

Not the quiet sedate and tranquil place you read about and would want to visit. This is the seedy side brought to life via a computer screen and the dark side of an online dating website.

Copenhagen is recognisable – Varby and Varby Hill are well known areas in the city and even the Glypteket is mentioned for being close to the fictional police HQ. Morgenavisen and Nightwatch.dk are fictional too yet create at atmosphere of reality and darkness.

As the investigation gets underway, we see as do the police, that there is a whole night-life subculture out there in Copenhagen and that with the internet, it knows no boundaries.

Many street names of the city  come into play so a quick view of Valby, Soro and other places mentioned in the course of the investigation help give a sense of the scope of it all. Theauthor does mention that in reality the local police would not have such a wide remit, but the sense of how far this man is going to, becomes clear.

This is not a book for a booktrail as such since the theme of the book is such an unpleasant one but the real setting is a virtual one that eerily creeps into reality.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @sarablaedel

Facebook: /SaraBlaedelAuthor

Web: sarablaedel.hbgusa.com

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