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Book Trails

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  • Location: England, Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Vienna

The Fortune Hunter

1860s, 1870s: Based on true facts but wrapped up in literary silks and sumptuous settings, this is a novel to sink your historical teeth into.…

  • Location: Paris, Tokyo, Vienna

The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance

1870s onwards: Set in Paris, Vienna and Tokyo, this is the story of  netsuke. Curious?

  • Location: Vienna

Mortal Mischief

1900s – Welcome to the world of 1900s Vienna where the death of a supernatural nature opens up a world of intrigue. And Vienna is…

  • Location: Mannheim, Vienna, Austria

Marrying Mozart

1840s: An interesting tale of 4 sisters and the influence each of them had on the musical genius Mozart. Often described as a mix between…

  • Location: Vienna, Klein Reifling

Post Office Girl

1920’s: Stefan Zweig is the writer to read in order to learn about life and times in the city of Vienna in all its forms.

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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