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Book Trails

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  • Location: Isle of Harris

Secrets of the Sea House

1860s, 1990s: Based on a real nineteenth-century letter to The Times in which a Scottish clergyman claimed to have seen a mermaid…

  • Location: Ikaria, Greece, Milan, Italy, France, Marseille

The Long Fall

1981, 2000s: This takes you on an actual backpacking tour to Greece from the UK and via France and Italy. The journey the protagonist is…

  • Location: Bruny Island, Tasmania

A Single Breath

2000s: Oh this is one heck of a journey in search of the truth.. “The Truth was it was all a lie.”

  • Location: Thailand, Bangkok, The Philippines


A  Bangkok ladyboy goes undercover in the pondoks (huts made from corrugated iron) of Southern Thailand to gather intelligence on the insurgency taking place there.

  • Location: Kiribati

A Pattern of Islands

1913 – Come for a visit of the islands which sit in the middle of the  Pacific Ocean

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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