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Book Trails

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  • Location: Sweden, Norway

Promises of the Runes

AD 875, 2022: He travelled through time to capture her heart.

  • Location: Sweden, Birka, Wales, London

Echoes of the Runes

895AD, 2000s: Their love was forbidden. But echoed in eternity.

  • Location: Kent

The Silent Touch of Shadows

1400s, 2000s: What will it take to put the past to rest?

  • Location: Devon

The Soft Whisper of Dreams

2000s: A disturbing account with a mysterious fortune teller and a secret tucked away in deepest darkest Devon.. Second in the Marcombe series, this is  also…

  • Location: China, Gothenburg, Edinburgh, Scotland

Trade Winds – Kinross Series book #1

1732 – The characters in the book may be fictitious but the story is based on the true story of the Swedish East India Company’s…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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