Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cornwall

The Last Holiday

The Last Holiday

Why a Booktrail?

2023: One last holiday together. One of us wouldn’t come home…

  • ISBN: B0BZPS9S15
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Saturday night: It starts as an innocent holiday game amongst old friends. As we sit around our campfire, the evening sky streaked with peach, my little boy sleeping peacefully in our tent, the wine flows and secrets are spilled.

It should be harmless fun, but Annie’s questions worry me. She’s always been the keeper of our secrets. She knows all the infidelities, the indiscretions, the stolen kisses…

I just hope she knows when to stop. Because there’s something I can’t let her bring to the surface…

Wednesday morning: It’s the little things that stay with you. The hurried rip of zips being opened. Figures stumbling into the cold night air. The screams echoing across the campsite as flashlights scour the ground. That’s what happens when someone you love is murdered.

One of us is responsible for Annie’s death. One of us will stop at nothing to keep our secrets hidden…

Travel Guide

Set in Cornwall, the author asks the reader to have fun and try and guess where the novel is inspired by….



BookTrail Boarding Pass: The Last Holiday

Destination/location: Cornwall Author/guide: Amy Sheppard  Departure Time: 2023

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