Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Wales, England

Here Be Dragons

Here Be Dragons

Why a Booktrail?

1300s: The first in a trilogy

  • ISBN: 978-0140133400
  • Genre: Historical

What you need to know before your trail

An absorbing historical novel of power and betrayal, loyalty and political intrigue in thirteenth-century England, Wales and France, centring on King John of England, younger brother to the brilliant Richard Lionheart, Joanna, his illegitimate but recognised daughter and Llewellyn Ab Iowerth, Prince of Gwynedd, a bitter opponent of English ways, laws and encroachment into Wales who becomes Joanna’s husband.

Travel Guide

Map of Wales in the novel

Map of Wales in the novel


“Poor Wales. So far from Heaven, so close to England.”

“The Welsh were a god-cursed, stiff-necked, and utterly vexatious people, John said bitterly, but they did have an inexplicable ability to rise phoenixlike from the ashes of defeat, to soar upwards on wings too scorched for flight.”

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Here Be Dragons

Destination/location: Wales, England, France Author/guide: Sharon Penman  Departure Time: 1300s

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