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  • Location: Florence, Cambridge

Dreaming of Florence

Dreaming of Florence

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Fresh pasta, red wine, fine art… and love?

  • ISBN: B0765416VY
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

When Debbie Waterson’s bicycle crashes into handsome doctor Pierluigi, she wonders if her luck has changed. She’s just come out of a long relationship,  but this could mean things are looking up!

She is inspired to visit Florence, but she soon runs headlong into that old foe: reality. Is Pierluigi the man of her dreams? Will Florence be the place where she finally finds love again?

Travel Guide


From the mouth of Pierluigi:

“Florence is hot in the summer, cold in winter, the traffic’s awful and the place is fit to bursting with tourists. Otherwise it’s great”

There’s the food. Don’t let anybody from anywhere else in Italy to try to tell you otherwise – the food in Florence is the best. The olive oil’s amazing, the neat’s to die for, and the wines are excellent”And the bread is just the best anywhere. And then there’s the setting, – squeezed into the valley of the Arno,  with Fiesole up to the north, the Apennines beyond and the Chianti Hills rising up on the other side”

Peirluigi’s top tips

The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is one of the seven wonders of the world.  Stand in front of the Duomo and look up. It’s a sympathy of white marble, punctuated by lines of green and red stone, the colours of the Italian flag

Piazzale Michelangelo – 19th-century piazza with a bronze replica of Michelangelo’s David & panoramic views over the city.

Palazzo Vecchio –   Fortified, 13th-century palace housing lavishly decorated chambers & ornate courtyards. Debbie recognises the tower instantly



Cambridge is lovely in the sun eating lunch with an iItalian man down by the river Ouse. And why not head out to Ely for an afternoon as they do in the book. Like Debbie you might wonder how the stunning cathedral here might measure up with the grand Duomo in Italy. they also briefly visit Bury St Edmunds and visit the abbey there. A lot of interesting historical sights in this book!

Streetview Maps

D) Italy - Florence - Santa Maria del Fiore
F) Italy - Florence - Palazzo Vecchio

Trail Gallery

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

You know when  a book comes along at just the right time? I was more than ready to go to Florence and read a fun romance when a woman on a bicycle knocks down an Italian man?

I really enjoyed this read. It’s fun, fresh and heart warming and the author’s got the male-female thing down off pat! The book more than evokes the setting in all their glorious forms and I am certainly hoping to go to Florence soon.  I don’t intend knocking over any one on a bike, but then if fate intervenes as it does in this book, then…..I hope he’s from Florence or somewhere equally as sunny!

It’s a fun, fresh read and the author has evoked the landscape of Florence well so much so that you really feel part of the book and the story. The food, the olive oil, the aromas and the Italian -ness of it all is as delicious as that gelato.

It’s a real insight and fun tour of the city and its secrets. Lovely having Pierluigi show you around and have Debbie see things through her newcomer eyes. Makes for an interesting and fun visit!

Dreaming of Florence? I am now!

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Dreaming of Florence

Destination: Florence  Author/Guide: T.A. Williams  Departure Time: 2000s

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