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Book Trails

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  • Location: Istanbul

Deep Waters (Inspector Ikmen 4)

2000s: An Albanian man ins found dead in the Bosphorus and an age old Albanian feud comes to the fore

  • Location: Istanbul

Arabesk (Inspector Ikmen 3)

2000s: The wife of one of Istanbul’s most famous singers has just been found dead..

  • Location: Bali, Ubud

Bali Daze

2000s: Many funny and oooh! stories about a Canadian trying to find her way and setting up home in Ubud.

  • Location: Durham, Northumberland, The Pennines

Settled Blood – Kate Daniels #2

2000s: Kate Daniels is back and a North East Business man’s daughter has gone missing..

  • Location: Istanbul

Chemical Prison/Ottoman Cage (Inspector Ikmen 2)

2000s: A book with two titles set in the crumbling streets of Istanbul and a detective who has a unique insight and view on the…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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