Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature

Book Trails

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  • Location: Greece

The Nude

1999: An island off the southern coast of Greece……

  • Location: Madrid

The Group

2000s: A girl meets a group of new friends in Madrid. But who are they really?

  • Location: Paris

The Paris Deception

1940: Two women plan to fool the Nazis by making fake copies of stolen artwork…

  • Location: London

Devil’s Breath

2023: Eustacia Rose has always been better with plants than people . . .

  • Location: Athens

The Figurine

1968, 2023: The questionable acquisition of cultural treasures and the price people – and countries – will pay to cling on to them.

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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