Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Canada ( off Prince Edward Island)

The Troop

The Troop

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Be prepared. You will never forget your visit to Falstaff Island


  • ISBN: 978-1472206244
  • Genre: Ghost/supernatural, Horror

What you need to know before your trail

He felt something touch his hand. Which is when he looked down.

For the scouts of Troop 52, three days of camping, hiking and survival lessons on Falstaff Island is as close as they’ll get to a proper holiday.

Which was when he saw it.

But when an emaciated figure stumbles into their camp asking for food, the trip takes a horrifying turn. The man is not just hungry, he’s sick. Sick in a way they have never seen before.

Which was when he screamed.

Cut off from the mainland, the troop face a terror far worse than anything they could have made up around a campfire. To survive they will have to fight their fears, the elements … and eventually each other.

Travel Guide

Falstaff Island is luckily fictional and when you read this, you’ll be more than happy that it is as it’ll not be the kind of place you want to go for real if this is the kind of thing which happens there!

Fictional Falstaff is an  island not far from Prince Edward Island and the premise of a group of boy scouts, stranded on a deserted island is fascinating. A great holiday adventure which turns into a nghtmare and from which there is literally no escape. But then they’re set upon by a stranger infected with a terrible disease.

The heightened fear is palpable. Int he dark woods, the sense of foreboding and sheer panic is all around. Just what lengths these young boy scouts willing to go to escape it?

And what they do when they’re now alone on the island with no adults to keep them in line? Think Lord of the Flies meets Steven King. The writer is extremely skilled at wrapping his arm around your neck and dragging you into the depraved world as authority breaks down and instinct takes over. As the infection spreads, so too does the borders of decency and behaviour.

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