Why a Booktrail?
2000s: It’s been twenty-five years since that summer.
2000s: It’s been twenty-five years since that summer.
I haven’t been back to Eos since I first met my step-sister, Lex.
It’s been twenty-five years since that summer.
Since we went from strangers to sisters.
Since Abigail went missing.
Since we told the first lie.
Now we’re back together on the island.
So much has changed since we were teenagers.
We’ve both tried to move on from the past – from each other.
But the island won’t let us escape our secrets.
Only me and Lex know the truth about Abigail.
We’ve been living a lie for so long.
And if the truth comes out – neither of us will survive it…
Paxos in Greece
For The Liars, the author decided to rename it Eos.
“I wanted artistic licence to make the island smaller and more claustrophobic. This way, when things start going wrong for stepsisters Zoe and Lex, the tension really ramps up. Happily, I’m going back this August, and will be there on publication day. It was a coincidence but I’m so excited to return, and will have a cold Mythos beer to celebrate!”
Destination: Paxos Author/guide: Katherine Fleet Departure Time: 2000s
Back to Results2025: Your child has been kidnapped. You’re live on television. Going live in 10, 9, 8 . . .
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