Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Canary Islands

The Holiday

The Holiday

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: It’s amazing who you can might on a plane

  • ISBN: 978-1804264089
  • Genre: Familiy drama, Psychological

What you need to know before your trail

As I board the plane, all I can feel is hope and excitement. One whole week away. Just me and the man I have promised to be with forever. Time to repair what has been broken. Maybe even try for another baby, and pray that this time it doesn’t end heartbreakingly. I just need to not think about what George has done. He’s my husband. And this is the holiday where we make things right. But then I realise he can’t take his eyes off the beautiful woman who’s just boarded the plane in front of me… In that moment, everything changes. And nobody is safe.



Travel Guide

The Canary Islands

Well, a lovely plane ride to the sunny Canary islands sounds perfect! Not if you’re George or  Suzie though! Goodness, you do not want to go anywhere with these two, least of all on holiday!

The Canary Islands are a group of islands off the coast of Africa. They are an autonomous community of Spain and there are seven main islands.


BookTrail Boarding Pass:  The Holiday

Destination/Location: Canary Islands  Author:   John Nicholl  Departure: 2000s

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