Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Isle of Wight, London, Sussex

The Day of the Triffids

The Day of the Triffids

Why a Booktrail?

Destination: Isle of Wight, London, Sussex   Departure Time: 20th C

Watch out for the plants!!!

  • ISBN: 978-0141185415
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi, Fiction, Horror

What you need to know before your trail

Most of the entire population on the planet has lost their sight due to a catastrophic cosmic event. Bill Masen, a biologist who has worked with the triffid plant, is one of the lucky few to retain his sight. But soon he realises that as he makes his way through the London streets, trying to get through the hordes of poor blind people trying to make their way in life, there is something out there which is hunting those who can see to make use of them.

That’s not the worse of it though as there is a far more chilling menace which has resulted from this cosmic event – large plants called Triffids with lethal stingers and carnivorous appetites are on the prowl and are ready to take control of the world.

Travel Guide


The home of the self sufficient colony which Masen and the others build far from the chaos of London. This will be the home of where the survivors and some of them blind will live safely – well as safely as they can with the triffids nearby. The farm house where they stay is on the South Downs.

Isle of Wight

Another group  is later found to have established a colony on the Isle of Wight. Masen and his followers are reluctant to leave their own colony as it’s quite far and dangerous to travel but the new government says they must.  They flee to the island and this is is where they stay until they can hunt down and kill the triffids and ultimately save earth.

Central London

There are no triffids thought to be here but there is panic and fear. He heads up Regent Street to avoid the mobs. Regents Park proves to be the only haven of peace there is in the entire city..

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