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  • Location: Turkey, Istanbul, Marseille

Last Train to Istanbul

Last Train to Istanbul

Why a Booktrail?

WWII – A booktrail through some stunning country and even just looking at the stunning cover will make you want to go there!

  • ISBN: 978-1477807613
  • Translator: John W. Baker
  • Genre: Historical

What you need to know before your trail

The last train to Istanbul is the story of  two Turkish sisters just before and during WWII. Sabiha is married to Macit, and through his government position, we gain an insight into Turkey’s politics of that time.

Selva has gone against her family’s wishes to marry her Jewish lover, Rafo.

They move to France and become caught up in the Occupation there.

These two sisters and their situations act as the dual narrative adopted in this novel, moving from Turkey to France and all the while illustrating the fate of the Jews during the war.

Travel Guide

Turkey’s point of view on the events which took place against the Jewish people is quite remarkable and unique to read. Despite this being a fiction book, it relies heavily on real events and this is what makes it so interesting – to think of what Turkey and the Turkish people must have thought of the powers fighting to get them on side and how to protect its nationals despite the politics.

The sisters story is just one part of this novel which is more of an account of how Turkey sent ‘the last train from Istanbul’ in an attempt to rescue Turkish Jews from Nazi occupied France
Fact and fiction are mixed – Turkish consul Nazim Kender for example is based on the real consul Necdet Kent whose efforts with saving Jews from their horrific Nazi fate are the main thread of this novel. ‘The Turkish Schindler’ is a remarkable man.

The journey on the train – the last train to Istanbul  is at once horrifying, poignant and starkly evoked. Perhaps the most painful and upsetting journey you will ever read. Those heart stopping moments and the joint despair of all those on that train. All those forged papers, all those nationalities and personalities with one goal –  to escape Hitler’s Army.

Booktrailer Review


I enjoy finding about history and how people dealt with the day to day reality of a war which overshadowed so much for so long. I know little of Turkey and have not read any literature from this part of the world so I am pleased I have had this glimpse and unique view of this fascinating country. I can’t decide which of the two book covers I’ve seen represent the book the best – perhaps they both do in their own way –  memories of the train which is the focal point of the novel. The other one pictures the beauty to be found in Turkey and  which should never be lost or forgotten despite the horrors of war.

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