Why a Booktrail?
2000s: Trust is betrayal just waiting to happen
2000s: Trust is betrayal just waiting to happen
Alex thought running away would make everything better. Six thousand miles from the mistakes he’s made and the people he’s hurt, Tokyo seems like the perfect escape. A new life, a new Alex.
The bright lights and dark corners of this alien and fascinating city intoxicate him, and he finds himself transfixed by this country. Then Alex meets the enigmatic and alluring Naoko, the peace he sought slips ever further from his grasp.
After all, trust is just betrayal waiting to happen and Alex is about to find out that there’s no such thing as rock bottom. There’s always the chance it’ll get worse . .
If this book is anything to go by, Japan is a city of lights, frantic activity and a blur of bars, clubs, crowds bustling along the streets – like a camera on top speed showing the city as it really is all the time, not just on fast mode cinematic style.
A British man comes here to escape from his past and immediately crash lands in Tokyo. Experiences of an expat or a boy on a year abroad it is not, Alex is immediately thrilled with the fast, frenetic life, gets a Japanese girlfriend and then…..experiences an all together other side to the city and its law enforcement…
This is a city which sucks Alex in very quickly and without apology but Alex still manages to find more chaos and drama, more darkness and narrow alleyways and where the drug dealers and prostitutes hang out.
Susan: @thebooktrailer
If this book is anything to go by,Japan is a city of lights, frantic activity and a blur of bars, clubs, crowds bustling along the streets – like a camera on top speed showing the city as it really is all the time, not just on fast mode cinematic style.
A British man comes here to escape from his past and immediately crash lands in Tokyo. Experiences of an expat or a boy on a year abroad it is not, Alex is immediately thrilled with the fast, frenetic life, gets a Japanese girlfriend and then…..experiences an all together other side to the city and its law enforcement…
This is a city which sucks Alex in very quickly and without apology but Alex still manages to find more chaos and drama, more darkness and narrow alleyways and where the drug dealers and prostitutes hang out.
The busy city is one of bright lights alluring cafes, noise and chaos and it’s a world attractive and dangerous at the same time. I was also reminded of the programme Banged Up Abroad when you sit back and wait for the main character to do something very ill advised. Alex doesn’t disappoint.It’s frenetic and crazy and whilst you do have to suspend belief for some of the story, it shows how one small thing can snowball and in a foreign country and culture that can have very surprising consequences
Events spiral quickly taking Alex with them and it was interesting to see the Japanese characters act according to pride and honour, the justice system can mean victims often receive blood money instead of justice.
The ending is abrupt and I think people will gain several opinions of what happens. It smacks you like that train has reached that Last Stop Tokyo and you’re left feeling that you’ve had a taste of Japan that’s 100% proof.
Destination: Tokyo Author/Guide: James Buckler Departure Time: 2000s
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