Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Geneva



Why a Booktrail?

2023: A medical conference beside Lake Geneva. But what goes on behind closed doors?

  • ISBN: 978-0571384389
  • Genre: Crime, Suspense, Technothriller, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Nobel Prize-winning scientist Sarah Collier has started to show the same tell-tale signs of Alzheimer’s disease as her father: memory loss, even blackouts. So she is reluctant to accept the invitation to be the guest of honour at a prestigious biotech conference – until her husband Daniel, a neuroscientist, persuades her that the publicity storm will be worth it. The technology being unveiled at this conference could revolutionise medicine forever. More than that, it could save Sarah’s life.

In Geneva, the couple are feted as stars – at least, Sarah is. But behind the five-star luxury, investors are circling, controversial blogger Terri Landau is all over the story, and Sarah’s symptoms are getting worse. As events begin to spiral out of control, Sarah can’t be sure who to trust – including herself.

Travel Guide


This reads like a film and you get to see and explore quite a bit of Geneva and the surrounding area. It’s all remote mountains and stunning lakes but with hidden danger just around the twisting roads.

Lake Geneva is at the heart of the city and around it we see the wealth and the rich streets which lead out to the Schiller Institute. It’s not far from the centre but in a world of its own, all constructed like a glass palace, a cage of sorts on the outskirts – hidden away from the world.

What happens here however could very well change the world….

There are snippets of the novel set in London but they are backstory – one of the Doctors works at Great Ormond Street for example. London is not on the map as this novel is all about GENEVA!

Streetview Maps

A) Water jet, Lake Geneva
B) Cologny side of Lake Geneva
C) Quai Gustave-Ador, Geneva
D) Château-d'Oex - Schiller Institute

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Geneva

Destination: Geneva  Author/guide: Richard Armitage  Departure Time:2023

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