Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Dumfries and Galloway (fictional Kirkluce)

Cold in the Earth (DI Marjory Fleming 1)

Cold in the Earth (DI Marjory Fleming 1)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Death is in the air. Death is on the ground. Death is everywhere for the people of Galloway

  • ISBN: 978-0340838594
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Death is in the air for the people of Galloway and it’s claiming one victim after another. A catastrophic virus devastates the Scottish countryside, killing cattle and destroying the lives of farmers and all who live there.

Pyres have to be built to burn the infected animals and this is heartbreaking for the community whose livelihoods are under threat. Farmland becomes burial ground and the stench of death pervades the air.

This stench gets stronger and even more horrifying when human remains are found.

At the same time in New York, a woman trying to discover the truth behind her older sister’s disappearance fifteen years ago, her journey takes her back to Galloway, to a world of suspicion, fear and menace.

DI Fleming’s first murder investigation and she’s got her work cut out.

Travel Guide

Kirkluce (fictional)

Galloway Constabulary in set in the fictional town of Kirkluce. There is also a village called Glenluce which could also have inspired the setting if not the name. The setting of this novel is firmly Dumfries and Galloway though:

On one of the farms:
“It sat nestled into one of the green Galloway hills , built out of local stone so that it looked almost like an astonishingly convenient geological formation rather than the work of human hands”
“God’s Private backyard” as her father described this tranquil corner of Scotland, bypassed by the busy world.”

Streetview Maps

A) "Kirkluce Main street"
B) "Kirkluce Abbey"

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Cold in the Earth (DI Marjory Fleming 1)

Author/ Guide: Aline Templeton Destination: Dumfries and Galloway, Kirkluce  Departure Time: 2000s

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