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Book Trails

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  • Location: London

The Devil’s Workshop

1890: The third in the series brings a mass prison breakout to London 1890 and sees the return of Jack the Ripper

  • Location: Catalonia, Barcelona, Girona


Centuries past and present: A tome of a book with the entirety of a man’s inner most thoughts inside and a journey which takes him…

  • Location: Brighton

Want You Dead (Roy Grace 10)

2000s: The tenth outing for Peter James shows us some uncomfortable truths about the digital age and what lengths some people will go to

  • Location: Barcelona

Cathedral of the Sea

1300s: Although this is a work of fiction, the novel closely follows real historical events in Catalonia during the 1300s under the reign of King…

  • Location: Charleston

The Invention of Wings

1800s: A true story told by weaving fictional characters with the historical shadows of real ones. A heartbreaking story of racism, equality and of the…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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