Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature

Book Trails

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  • Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne

The Silent Killer


  • Location: Berlin, Alnwick, Vlagtwedde

The Secret History of Audrey James

1938, 2010: Sometimes the best place to hide is the last place anyone would look.

  • Location: North East England, Edinburgh

The Stand Up Mam

2024: Is Georgie Chancellor’s life as good as she would have you believe?

  • Location: North East England, Northumberland

The Dark Wives

2000s: The 11th title in the VERA series!

  • Location: North East England, Northumberland

Helle and Death

2023: A snowstorm. A country house. Old friends reunited. It’s going to be murder…

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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