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Book Trails

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  • Location: Italy,Piedmont, Cinque Terre, Italian Riviera

Dreaming of Italy

2000s: Up for a dream promotion, Emma won’t let anything get in her way – not even love.

  • Location: Venice, Verona, Lake Garda

Dreaming of Verona

2000s: Verona is the City of Love. But will Suzie find romance or will it be another Romeo and Juliet saga?

  • Location: St -Tropez

Dreaming of St-Tropez

2000s: Who doesn’t fancy jetting off to St-Tropez!

  • Location: Tuscany

Dreaming of Tuscany

2000s: The glamour of Hollywood. The magic of the Tuscan countryside. One big decision…

  • Location: St Tropez

Dreaming of St Tropez

2000s: St Tropez is the place to go to get over things in life!

Featured Book

The Book of Witching

1594, 2024:  Four hundred years separate them. One book binds them

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